There will plenty to do to interest all comers.
BMP stall

As usual there will be a range of stalls along the Bronllys Road and in the Market, showcasing artisan makers from Wales and beyond! Full details here.

There will also be a marquee in the Town Square for more stalls, with the Town Hall basement becoming the hub for the sale of DUCKS, raffle and tombola stalls plus some creative children's activities. The Square will also be the venue for the very popular Rodeo Bull and a little street organ!

New for 2024 is a Saturday Boot Sale in the Market Car Park and a Gardening Show for local growers (including children) to compete for the best in show in a wide range of classes -  click here for the programme or click here for an entry form.

Red Kites Band

The Great Barns car park will again be the hub for LIVE MUSIC and where you can buy from our suppliers of tasty food and a range of drinks.

Music starts at 12 noon and continues through the afternoon until 8pm in the evening.  

A full list of bands playing can be found under the music tab here

Finally, on Sunday afternoon, 2000 little yellow ducks will be released into the Ennig for you to cheer on their way to the finish line at the bridge by the Great Barns. You just might be a winner, but you'll need to buy you duck number before 3pm on Sunday 25th!

Duck Race 3